“With The Attracting Perfect Customers Strategic Attraction™ Planning process I was able to stand up and own who I was, it was as if for the first time the truth was being told. The truth about who I was, and who I am for other people. It was a very powerful…exercise.”
“The Strategic Attraction™ Planning process literally changed the way I do business, and I am so grateful. In fact, in less than 30 days, I increased my revenues 21% plus received an additional $1,990 in unexpected income. My business has grown into one that is perfect for me, one that is attractive to people I want to serve. By using the message and techniques, I have transformed my thoughts and actions to attract the results I want for my business and my life.”
“Your Attracting Perfect Customers guidance gave me exactly what I needed to create a short marketing piece. It expressed exactly what I do so powerully that when I stood up and shared, everybody’s mouth dropped, it set a whole new standard for me sharing my business. After the lunch people were flocking to my booth. I also took to heart all the enlightened marketing guidance you gave me in the class and I totally got what makes me tick. I was so excited by this clarity that I think it seemingly, magically, began to radiate from me ‘like a lighthouse’. However, the most powerful piece for me was when I used your ‘Branding From The Heart’ process and I created a 60-second ‘commercial’ from what makes me tick and combined it with the powerful metaphor you shared with me. It set a whole new standard for 60-second marketing pieces, and after the lunch people were flocking to my booth.”
“Attracting Perfect Customers provides a practical and spiritual approach to bringing in clients and customers who are a perfect fit for the kind of work I want to do. The exercises walked me through getting very clear about the kind of people I want to work with, how to let go of those that aren’t a good match, and how to attract customers, partners and situations that I really want.”
“I like the simplicity of the Perfect Customers Strategic Attraction™ model. The step by step exercises have helped me think in a more creative way. As a result, my new web site represents me and the work I do more authentically. It even refers to who my perfect customer (my target market) is and what I want them to expect from me, and several new customers have referred to this wording on my site as being what attracted them to me.”